A trade is worth its weight in gold


We live by the slogan “Children are our future”, and that’s why in 2023 we organized

several trips and invited year 8 and 9 students from Studénky to visit our plant to look around.

 It is very important to show children what it looks like in reality at such a production plant. Sometimes we face the prejudices of parents who consider blue-collar professions to be inferior and insist on a field of study with a high school diploma. We have a number of former manual workers who have worked their way up to other professions, in either the quality or technical department, or they have become experts in these professions.
During the tour of the facility, students gain an idea of ​​specific production/technological procedures, machines and robotics, and will get to know different professions, which they need before choosing a field of study. Not everyone can be a YouTuber or an influencer 😊.
We present professions every year at the “Living Career Library” event, held regularly in the Workers’ House.
Every year we also cooperate with high schools from the surrounding area and place 2nd and 3rd year students at our workplace for paid professional experience. We also allow work during the holidays.
And since 2016, we have been cooperating with the local high school of economics and business, which has renewed the tradition of apprenticeship education in Studénka by opening the promising study field of mechanical engineering.
“There is now a huge interest among employers in technical education: there is a lack of machinists, toolmakers, electricians, machinists, CNC machine programmers, and welders on the market, and I think it is an advantage that children have the opportunity to study directly in Studénka. ” says HR manager Ing. Hana Bártová, and adds: “We try to motivate students with a scholarship, and by paying for a welding license or a group B driver’s license.”