We Care and Support

Our company pays close attention to the support of vocational activities of our employees, events for children and youth or children’s clubs. In the past five years, when we actively supported these projects, MSV Metal Studénka, a.s. spent more than 800,000 Czech crowns. This is our way to fulfil our motto that one of the basic missions of the company is to support the identity and activities of the city and the people who live here.

We have supported

  • Beneš Jiří – Iceman
  • Šajtarová Lenka – ultra trail and other races
  • Čeliňák Pavel – ultra trail and other races
  • Voluntary Fire Brigade
  • ZŠ Sjednocení, Studénka
  • Příroda kolem nás – Jarošův statek, Studénka
  • Dancing club JKO z.s., Ostrava
  • Tělovýchovná Jednota Pustějov, z.s.
  • Asociace TOM ČR, TOM 3910 NEZMAŘI Bílovec
  • PROHELP O.S. Studénka
  • Spolek žen Studénka
  • Plamen naděje z.s., Bartošovice
  • Nadační fond COPERNICUS, Gymnázium Bc
  • Základní škola Františka Kardinála Tomáška, Studénka
  • Fotbalový klub Pustějov
  • Rozhýbejme naše děti – Studénka z.s.
  • HC Studénka
  • Základní škola T.G. Masaryka